Thursday, 26 December 2013

Episode 42: Lenny Bloom on Jesuit Influence part 2

Lenny Bloom had such a great time sitting down with us last time, we did it again almost immediately. Please go back to episode #41 if you have not already heard part one. There are even more incredible revelations on this show. While it is Christmas time for many, it is also a time to reveal the hidden power structure. Please enjoy this yuletide holiday offering.

Lenny's on-air partner and judicial researcher, the late Sherman Skolnick, regularly offered a mega-dose of information that often caused one's jaw to hit the floor. Sherman's valuable website is still available, here: Skolnick's Report.

In this conversation, we follow-up on the Jesuits influence throughout history. A lot of materials are referenced here - There are more links below to get you into some great books that show all of this is well researched. The following book is all well worth your time.

The Two Babylons or Papal Worship by Rev. Alexander Hislop

Satan's Counterfeit Christianity by Roderick Meredith

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Episode 41: Lenny Bloom on Jesuit influence

For decades, Lenny Bloom has been involved in exposing what goes on behind the curtains of the global theatre. A long run on MOJO Radio in Toronto enabled Lenny to blow the lid off of some incredible whistleblower revelations on his show, Cloak and Dagger with Lenny Bloom. On-air partner and judicial researcher, the late Sherman Skolnick, regularly offered a mega-dose of information that often caused one's jaw to hit the floor. 

By bringing well-sourced moles onto the airwaves, and generally being several steps ahead of the mainstream curve, Lenny's show never failed to break huge news. 

Soon after having as a guest Germany's minister of Defense, Andreas Von Buelow, explain how 911 was an inside operation, Cloak and Dagger was cancelled. Though it really could have been cancelled after any broadcast, at least Lenny was given one more episode to go out on a high note.

In this conversation, we cover ground regarding the Jesuits, and their influence throughout history. A lot of materials are referenced here - I have provided some links below - and they are all well worth your time. 

The Skolnick Report
The Secret Terrorist by Bill Hughes
The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan
Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Episode 40: Dr. Steven Greer - Sirius Disclosure

Dr. Greer is widely regarded as the world's foremost authority on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence and is the founder of the Disclosure Project, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research.

A lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation's most prestigious medical honor society, Dr. Greer has now retired as an emergency physician to work on these projects.

Dr. Greer, as director of CSETI, has led research teams throughout the world investigating the existence of ETI and on several occasions has successfully established preliminary contact and communication with extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range. He has met with and provided briefings for senior members of government, military and intelligence operations in the United States and around the world, including senior CIA officials, Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff, senior members of Congress and congressional committees, senior United Nations leadership and diplomats, senior military officials in the United Kingdom and Europe and cabinet-level members of the Japanese government, among others.

He has worked for 17 years to bring together the scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance new clean technology energy systems. He is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on the strategic process of transforming our carbon-based civilization to a long-term sustainable civilization using innovative sciences and technology.

His message is one of hope - that these energy systems can soon be available worldwide. His goal is to assist in the creation of a sustainable, peaceful civilization of Earth that is both high tech and in harmony with the environment.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries

and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Episode 39: "The Man Who Killed Kennedy" Roger Stone

Roger Stone is a political consultant whose compelling firsthand knowledge shows that Lyndon Baines Johnson was not just involved in JFK’s assassination, but was in fact, the mastermind. In Stone's new book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, LBJ is shown to have a motive, means, and opportunity to murder President John F. Kennedy. 

Stone fills in the speculation and gaps from other assassination reports such as Robert Caro's four-volume biography on LBJ, and Bill O’Reilly’s research on JFK’s assassination. 

The Man Who Killed Kennedy is an insider’s story, with Stone shedding new light on murder, deception, cover-up, and intrigue surrounding Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, J. Edgar Hoover, Robert Kennedy, the CIA, the mob, Texas oil interests, and the linchpin, Lyndon Baines Johnson. “When I pressed him on who he thought killed Kennedy, Nixon would shiver and say, "Texas”, stated Roger Stone. Read The Man Who Killed Kennedy to find out how and why LBJ did it.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 8am, and Sundays 11pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Episode 38: Poison Patriarch - Mark Shaw

In keeping with the anniversary of the death of JFK, our guest today is author, Mark Shaw. Of all the different angles I've come across over the years, this is the one that has most taken me by surprise. Mark's extensive experience as a trial lawyer has helped him lay out the case against JFK's father, Joe Kennedy. his book, 'The Poison Patriarch', Shaw examines the decisions of father Joseph P. Kennedy to explain how those factors contributed to JFK’s death. We are happy to have Mark on the show and feel his pain about having a difficult time getting on mainstream media to promote his book.
With details rarely mentioned by the 'Official Story" fans. Shaw convincingly plots the storyline of how Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby, and his Mafioso linked attorney, Melvin Belli, are integral to the JFK murder and its coverup.
Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Episode 37: Jesse Ventura "They Killed Our President"

Today's guest is the very well known Jesse Ventura. Originally making his name in the world of professional wrestling, Jesse has since turned his time towards cleaning up bad government. That should keep him busy for quite a while.

To that end, he became the Governor of Minnesota as well as writing several books. These include: a primer on American conspiracies in general; American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies, the sameness and inefficacy of both Republicans and Democrats; DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government, and 63 documented facts that the government would rather you don't know; 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read latest, They Killed our President is the result of his passionate desire to learn the truth of a most horrible event in history- the assassination of JFK. Having already covered that ground on his television show, "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura", his new book makes an even more powerful case that the murder was indeed well beyond the scope and planning of a 'lone nut'. 

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Episode 36: Frater X and Secret Wars

On this show, a real live secret society expert, Frater X. His knowledge runs deep into fields considered esoteric, which could prove problematic for internet users England. They have a new law where the government can shut down a website if it is deemed 'esoteric'. I wonder if 'Orwellian' is considered, 'esoteric'. Both externally and internally, Frater X is on a path of truth. To aid in accomplishing that he has become a member of the Masonic Rosicrucians, the Knights Templar, the Ancient Order of Druids, and many others.
Gaining knowledge from these occulted groups, Frater X is able to peel back the curtain on geopolitical events such as the turmoil of the Middle East, false flag events, the expanding police state, and at the root of it all, is what he describes as a War on Consciousness. There is even a war going on within freemasonry, which is the subject of his book, so we get his take on that here as well.

What are 'they' getting out of this? In that we have been led around in this manner over and over again, with things only incrementally getting worse and worse, what is there possible benefit? Mere greed and lust for power, or something more deep that most people don’t understand?

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 8am, and Sundays 4pm & 11pm EST.

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Episode 35: "Citizen Koch" movie

"Citizen Koch" (pronounced, Coke) illustrates the scheming and coercion of two men that obviously hate America, Charles and David Koch. Dipping into their impossibly deep pockets, they use manipulation and lies to steer the USA into a direction of their choice, fair play be damned. Check the trailer.

Their creation of an innocuous sounding yet far right wing movement called Citizens United, allowed for unlimited campaign spending and the political movement called the Tea Party. 

Understand the threat these men pose as they pump billions into Republican and far right efforts, which include arranging massive tax breaks for corporations and removing long standing rights of union workers.  

One of the film's producers, Carl Deal, takes us through the process of making it, and the difficulty of airing it without editing, on PBS stations that are also benefactors of Koch money. There are petitions being created to demand that PBS air the documentary uncut. You can't make this stuff up.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 8am, and Sundays 4 and 11pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Episode 34: Anonymous: Million Mask March

Poet, Christine Ann Sands, Is one of the only exposed faces involved with the movement known as, Anonymous.  We speak with her about the Million Mask March taking place in Washington DC, and in multiple locations around the world. Christine aims to, “remind this world what it has forgotten, that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than just words.”

On November 5, the goal is to have at least one million people- brought to you by Anonymous- set upon the nation's capital.  As well as Anonymous, this will also bring together elements of Occupy, WikiLeaks and OathKeepers. If this movement is successful, don't expect it to be reported on as more than 50 to 80 people- by the time mainstream media under reports it.

 “All who claim anyone is in charge of million mass march knows little of anonymous. There is no official site, and nobody is in charge: it's a movement, not an organization.”

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Episode 33: Project Monarch with Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips

Cathy O'Brien traces the cruel, murderous world of mind control on her path from child pornography and recruitment into the Monarch program, and serving as a tope-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave. Her definitive eye-witness account of outrageous government corruption- is detailed in the book, "Trance Formation of America" which names names- some of the most prominent figures in global politics.

Cathy O'Brien
In August 1977 the 95th US Congress opened hearings into reported abuses of CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. 11 years later, Cathy, a top-level MK-Ultra Project Monarch victim, was covertly rescued along with her daughter, from her CIA White House level mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips- recognized by mental health and law enforcement internationally as a credible authority on the secret science concerning external control of the mind. 
Mark Phillips

Their seven year pursuit of justice was stopped for reasons of national security, and they now have protected whistleblower status.

On this show, Cathy shares what we can do to help get ourselves out of the governmentally operated mind control we all suffer from to a lesser degree. This is gone into in much greater detail in the book, "Access Denied for Reasons of National Security".

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries

or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 8am, and Sundays 4 & 11pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Episode 32: Occupy Corporatism with Susanne Posel

Our guest on this show is an endangered species-  the now rare, investigative journalist. Yes, not every news purveyor out there is spewing corporate issued pablum, and that is certainly not the case for Susanne Posel.

As well as having her own syndicated radio show called HARDLINE, on iHeart Radio, Susanne is the chief editor of the information stuffed, This site is a trove of well written, to-the-point articles, that detail the criminality of the world's biggest newsmakers.

Her story-gathering skills bring to our attention important narratives highlighting the pattern of globalization in commerce and money markets, and how that affects Americans and the entire world. You can follow Susanne on Twitter, @OccuCorporatism

We discusses some of the trickery used to lead the humans of this planet into a compliance date, enough it seems to accept the course of desires of the Ruling Elite*.  

know a lot of people don’t like that word, 'elite,' but as they've caused as much damage through rampant, money market manipulation without having seen any prison time, I’m ok calling them, the Elite. Just know that my intention behind that term is not at all congratulatory or respectful, but rather, disparaging.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12 noon, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 8am, and Sundays 4pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Episode 31: Kerry Cassidy host of Project Camelot

Our guest this time is a researcher, and a compiler of testimonies pertaining to what many consider to be other-worldly- Project Camelot’s, Kerry Cassidy. 

Initiated in 2006, Project Camelot was the brainchild of Kerry and Bill Ryan, who later ventured off to form Project Avalon. 

Kerry continued with Camelot and has interviewed many fascinating people over the years, from economic insiders to self-proclaimed alien intermediaries. Most of them are considered to have above top secret status. Stay up to date on twitter @projectcamelot

When you first peruse the Project Camelot portal, there can be a feeling of shock- a “this can’t possibly be the case” notion. Much of that gradually washes away as one begins to realize how much of the information, once revealed by mere testimony, eventually does play out on the world stage. Perhaps not all of it, but plenty enough to make one re-consider one’s own doubts as to what is possible, how many realms might there be, and to what is really going on on this planet.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan 

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Episode 30: Mind Control with Solaris BlueRaven

Solaris BlueRaven can probably kick your butt- because she is a Certified Black Belt and Instructor. We don't spend much time discussing that, I mention it to highlight that she is multi-faceted.
Solaris has a professional background in Surveillance, and is a researcher- which can be a lot easier to do when you are Clairvoyant, which she also draws upon.

On her website, she also evidences her skills as an MT Healer, Wiccan HPS, and 
she has an extensive background in the paranormal, leading to her work as a Metaphysical Sciences Practitioner. 

Quite controversially, she is a “systems buster for MK Ultra related projects”. MK Ultra of course, was a government brain infiltration usage used almost always for nefarious purposes- okay, always nefarious purposes. The MK stands for MIND KONTROLLE, a big thing back in the day, until it was claimed to no longer be used. Since then, it has been used extensively, such as Remote viewing and Operation Mockingbird.  

Primarily in her capacity as Wiccan she hosts her own internet midnight radio show, which can be heard Saturday nights, on Revolution Radio.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Episode 29: The Dark Side of Revenue Canada with Wally Dove

Even though Wally Dove spent thirteen long, cruel years as a tax collector, enforcer, and schemer with Revenue Canada- currently showing their crooked dark side to the world- don't hate him! He has since learned from the error of his ways and crossed over to us from that Dark Side! Wally clearly lays out that rather than continue to illegally erase your rights and freedoms, he is making sure you are aware of them and use to them to your maximum benefit. 

The Human Rights Defenders League in Canada @HRDCanada, is launching a law suit against Canada on your behalf, and you really deserve to know what it's about and how you can join- for free!

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Episode 28: 911 Game Show with Barrie Zwicker

With me to mark the 12th year since the 911 fiasco, is media researcher, television host and author, Barrie Zwicker. At the forefront of the 911 Truth movement since 912, Barrie hosted a show on Canada's Vision TV, called, 'MediaFile'- a weekly, commercial free examination of the media. His skepticism of the 911 Official Story sparked the creation of a multi-part series, "The Great Conspiracy", which launched in early 2002.

Barrie's well-researched opinions and study eventually found its way into the pages of a book, "Towers of Deception"- which included a DVD of his TV series.

Barrie tries his hand at the 911 Game Show- and not surprisingly, does quite well. We discuss geopolitics and the driving forces that lead to the creation of such terror events. Later, Barrie reveals that he is currently writing a new book about the history and use of false flag events- the covert plans designed to create fear and make governing easier.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan 

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Episode 27: Syrian Ruse with Ken Adachi

Ken Adachi is a curator of one of the most fascinating storehouses of information on the internet. You might not agree with everything he posts, but it is impossible not to learn something you didn't know before.

I speak with Ken about how things have developed in Syria and, who is behind it. See picture.

Later we also take a surprising diversion into the cause of the forest fires in the western US. 

Ken's research into the mainstream medical applications and his study of the Standard American Diet, has lead him to become an advocate of a health remedy known as, MMS. You can learn about it here and on his website.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan 

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Episode 26: Nelson Thall - Waffen SS then = US now

Some call it the Fourth Reich, others say the Third Reich never went away, it merely migrated. 

Media scientist, researcher and scholar of the JFK assassination Nelson Thall, helps break down the uncomfortable connections between Nazi war criminals, and today's administration that powers Washington, regardless of whether there is a Democrat or Republican in the White House.

We discuss the Nuremberg convicted criminal sentenced to death, who instead went on to great influence and American corporate power. There are so many ties- thanks to Operation: Paperclip- to modern day politics, it makes you re-consider the entire US agenda.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Episode 25: UFO & ET expert Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan has been researching the phenomena of ET's and UFO's for nearly 20 years. His rational insight into the subject has resulted in being the only invitee at 2013's Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington, DC to speak six times, with each time going well over the time allotted for most other speakers. The event was attended by six former US congressmen, is designed to encourage political leaders to admit what they know and usher in a new era of ET understanding.

An accomplished author, Dolan's rock solid research and logical approach to the subject is quite convincing. His website, available here, lists accomplishments and speaking engagements for which he has been in demand all over the world- our world, that is.

Dolan offers keen insight into why it is that governments want to keep UFO disclosure under wraps, and what we need to do to have that decision reversed. Be sure to check his blog to keep up to date on his personal thoughts about his journey.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan 

You can comment on the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or to Alan on twitter @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is now on the mighty Podalmighty Network and heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, 
Fridays 9am, Saturdays 2am & either 8am or 5pm, and Sundays 4pm EST.

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Episode 24: Freedom Technologies with Trent Goodbaudy

You don't like the way things are going. Not with the police, not with the courts, and not with the judges. You want to be free from governmental intervention into your otherwise peaceful life. 

Many people feel that way, but Trent Goodbaudy has actually done something about it. 

He has researched the law and the legal system and now claims he has found a way to counter what he describes as modern day slavery. 


How's that for a license plate> > > 

There are many videos explaining his point of view on his website, as well as things for purchase. His latest book is a 'silver bullet' against legal subjugation which he has made available for free! 

He's so sure about the contents, there's a $100 reward for 'you' if 'you' can prove him wrong.Trent tells us how he became interested in looking outside the box, how long it took for him to figure it out, and brings a message of, 'getting right within yourself' to best be able to enjoy life with a mindset of peace and prosperity. 

Friend Trent on facebook to keep up with his many posts. 

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST

Thanks for tuning in!