Thursday, 27 February 2014

Episode 49: Alien Experiencer Simon Parkes

Simon is a politician. That is only remarkable because much of what Simon says is not a typical political rant. In fact, Simon calmly alleges things about life on this planet and interdimensional and or alien beings that most politicians disavow, ignore or deny.

On the phone from the English town of Whitby- where Simon is also a city councillor- we discussed all manner of control systems installed around our planet. Simon also breaks down several types of alien or interdimensional intentions and attitudes based on knowledge they have imparted to him.

While much of the elite would love to have Simon disappear, his constituents like him enough to return him to office. Simon knows what he is saying is jarring to many, which is why he wants to reveal a version of events that might strengthen other people who have similar experiences. Perhaps if given the chance, more politicians will want to level with us on who really pulls their strings.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

Also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167.

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Episode 48: Jon Rappaport- The Matrix Revealed

A former freelancer with over 30 years experience writing on politics, health, media, culture and art for both mainstream and non mainstream publications, investigative reporter, Jon Rappaport eventually started

This is where he published the results of his investigations and eventually led Jon to the realization: Whoever runs this planet, manufactures reality for the population of the Earth. The process of constructing The Matrix, the elite players that play the game and how it's built became the focus of Jon's studies and his work The Matrix Revealed.
Jon was getting VERY high-level information on The Matrix. But this was the real Matrix. One source described it as follows: “Imagine a factory that turns out illusions. And these illusions are woven together to make up what we think the world is.”

Jon's insider contacts have an extensive real knowledge of the propaganda conveying the depth of situations they were involved with in the high-end areas of finance, hypnotism, government, money, energy, the military, intelligence agencies, medicine, mega-corporations, psychology, mind control and science. Jon realized he was looking at evolving, global cartels. Jon's work can help free one from the imposition of the Matrix, and have you functioning better despite it.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167.

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Episode 47: Robert Sullivan - The Royal Arch of Enoch

If you don't know about Freemasonry like I don't know about Freemasonry, you need to listen to Robert Sullivan IV. Not only a mason himself, Robert is well enough researched on the subject to have written, The Royal Arch of Enoch, an encyclopedic coverage on the topic.

You can view a trailer on Youtube.
We discuss the various levels of Freemasonry ranks, some of the ritual meanings, how one might join the brotherhood, and Robert's take on the misconception that plague the public perception of what effectively remains a secret society.

Robert explains the impact of Masonic ritual, its origins, differences between York rite and Scottish rite, the meaning of the Great Seal of the United States, and the masonic facts and details that have been inserted into Hollywood movies. 

Robert's website offers an excellent overview of his work. Although a detailed topic, Robert ably puts much of this into perspective and leaves us with the need to have him return to the show.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167.

Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Episode 46: Lenny Bloom returns

The demand for Lenny's return after only a few weeks was unmistakeable. We received a lot of feedback on Lenny's earlier double visit- on both sides of the spectrum, which made it obvious: "Let's have him back soon." 

For decades, Lenny Bloom has helped exposed what goes on behind the curtains of the global theatre. A long run on MOJO Radio in Toronto enabled Lenny to blow the lid off of some incredible whistleblower revelations on his show, Cloak and Dagger with Lenny Bloom. His on-air partner and judicial researcher, the late Sherman Skolnick, regularly offered a mega-dose of information that often caused one's jaw to hit the floor. 

In this conversation, we cover more ground regarding Jesuit influence on society, and other matters a little closer to home that will definitely surprise.

A lot of materials are referenced here - I have provided some links below - and they are all well worth your time.

The Skolnick Report 
The Secret Terrorist by Bill Hughes
The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan
Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps

Please send questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
and on Facebook or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167.

Thanks for tuning in!