Friday, 26 April 2013

Episode 7 - Money madness

Episode 7: Springtime is here and there seem to be a few things springing up
in the Vatican- click Here to peek; does the Cyprus bail-in affect the rest of us- can the Bank of Canada explain Canada's new budget? (They must be able to do that, right?)

Can the Bank of Canada explain Canada's new budget? see pp. 144, 145. (They must be able to do that, right?) Outgoing Bank of Canada poobah Mark Carney tries to answer a policy question; and to hopefully shed some light on this mess, an interview with former banking heavy hitter and insider, Doug Force. 
If you are as frustrated about the evasive non-answer about how safe your bank account is, 
contact this servant and tell her yourself:

Linda Groulx
Public Information Office & Distribution
Bank of Canada
234 Wellington
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G9
T: 1 800 303-1282
F:  613 782-7713
- - - - - - - -
Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at, or go to our forum: HERE

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is now on
Soon to be found on SiriusXM satellite radio
Stay tuned!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Episode 6 - Interview with an Afghani doctor Part 2 of 2

Episode 6: Canada's Foreign minister John Baird, is a tool of the... well, just a tool. He was caught in the fallacy that Canada has a majority government- by a foreign reporter; as is so often the case, the underwear bomber 'terrorist' was a CIA asset after all.

Part two of an interview with Afghani author Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki MA MA PhD.

Click here to purchase Dr. Miraki's book: Afghanistan After "Democracy"

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is now on
Soon to be found on SiriusXM satellite radio
Stay tuned!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Episode 5 - Interview with an Afghani doctor Part 1 of 2

Episode 5: A Canadian colonel time travels to get George Orwell's help with the Afghanistan problem,
part one of an interview with Afghani author Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki MA MA PhD. 

Click here to purchase Dr. Miraki's book: Afghanistan After "Democracy"

Please send your questions, comments or other feedback to Alan at

You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries
or Alan on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is now on
Soon to be found on SiriusXM satellite radio
Stay tuned!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Episode 4 - Free thought vs. Republican reprobates

Episode 4: More Cass Sunstein vs. Free Thought breakdown part 2  Click Here to view the PDF; politicians speak out against the Afghan war; the illusion of choice between two parties; Republican losers lick their wounds at CPAC, with the reprobate, Phyllis Schlafly. 

Click here to watch the Youtube video of Phyllis Schlafy's CPAC speech.

You can send questions, comments or feedback to Alan at

You can also follow Alan on Twitter at @AlanComic

Thanks for listening.