Friday, 30 September 2016

Episode 87: Ole Dammegard on False Flag Awareness 2 of 2

For the conclusion of thrilling tale about the trip to a Norwegian island killing scene and back, Ole Dammegard, tells us about false flags and how they work. Friend of the truth and the show, Ole is a former journalist with a crazy 2 part tale about the Norwegian shootings of 2011, and the subsequent ushering in of more governmental control.

Hear how his own research to learn more about the horrific killings and their actual setting, nearly cost him his freedom.

This is part two of a two part interview.

Who better profits from security breaches around the world? Those able to instantly usher in yet another security bill. Ole shows us a pattern that fits a false flag MO much better than what we’re told is the truth. And be sure to download the episode after this one for part two.

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Episode 86: Ole Dammegard on False Flag Awareness 1 of 2

Using a thrilling tale of his trip to a Norwegian island killing scene and back, Ole Dammegard, tells us from personal experience about false flags - why they're used and how they work.

Ole is a former journalist with one of the world's best anti-conspiracy websites, called Light On Conspiracies. His two part tale about the Anders Breivik/Norwegian shootings of 2011, and the subsequent ushering in of more governmental control conveys how his own efforts to learn more about the horrific killings and visiting their setting, nearly cost him his freedom.

Who best profits from security breaches around the world? Those able to instantly usher in yet another security bill. Ole shows us a pattern that fits a false flag MO much better than what we’re told is the truth. Be sure to download the episode after this one for part two.

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Thursday, 22 September 2016

Episode 85: Mark Taliano on Syria

I wish Mark was my high school teacher. I'm sure the kids that had him benefitted from his hunger for knowledge and research.

As a writer/columnist for American Herald Tribune, Huffington Post, Rabble, Global Research and other publications, Mark has taken it upon himself to travel to Syria for answers. 

A member of the third International Tour of Peace to Syria, Mark discusses the difference between Western foreign policy and the truth. 

So far, Mark's research has shown him that, as usual, the Official Story is less than accurate. Hear him out and see what changes when he returns. 

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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Episode 84: Jon Rappoport & the Surveillance State

After much downtime, Conspiracy Queries returns with a very full episode featuring researcher and logician, Jon Rappoport.

The interview, recorded back in May 2015, shows Jon as even more intelligent and prescient than we know he is, because his predictions were as true as today's headlines. 

Canada's Bill C-51 - and similar bills in other nations - have the opposite effect of what its government tools claim as their intentions - to root out terrorists and increase the security of the citizen.

We discuss what are said to be the pure intentions of elected representatives, only to learn they are often either clued out, or downright lying. That is made clear with a brief listen-in on the US Peace Council's, report to the UN regarding Syrian intervention.

Predictably, not only do surveillance bills not reduce terrorist activity, Jon also points out that once implemented, similar invasive mindsets usher in further restrictive legislation. Fast forward to current headlines, police chiefs are lobbying to demand access to our digital passwords - all with no oversight. So, cops are lobbying our governments, to be able to break constitutional law, in order to prevent law-breaking. Meanwhile they are already at it, with fake cell phone towers that vaccuum your information.

Check out Jon's collected works on logic, reason, imagination and how to be smarter,
with The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix.

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Sunday, 11 September 2016

Episode 83: 911: the 15th Bloody Anniversary with journalist/researcher Tommy Hansen

Episode 83: Today marks 15 years of the lie of 911. Many surveillance intrusions and military invasions have been ushered in on the back of the government bullshit story that is now fooling far fewer people. It is a duty to learn about 911. To tell us why, Tommy Hansen is back. Tommy is a Danish reporter who ran afoul of the editorial policies of his employer - by asking questions about the Official Story of 911... you know, journalism. He was fired. He could not gain work elsewhere. Tommy Hansen is featured in a must see Danish 911 documentary, 'The Sensible Doubt'- watch it here, or here. His new involvement in the publication, is sure to open many more eyeballs. Please enjoy this brief teaser return to the regular production of Conspiracy Queries
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