Saturday, 24 January 2015

Episode 76: Yves Engler - "The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy"


When you want the inside goods, go to a researcher that knows enough to have written a book. And books. Yves Engler recently released The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy and has another new book out soon. That's nine thus far on the topics of governmental mismanagement starting with idiocy, right on up to war criminality. So he's barely getting started.

Yves' scope is wide ranging and borne out of a desire for a well-studied look at Canada's foreign policy. Such as the massive trade mistake to supply 15 billion dollars of Light Armoured Vehicles (LAV's), from a military industrialist. We paid no attention to him, but President Eisenhower warned us about these clowns.

General Dynamics will deliver to a middle east pseudo-military force that thoroughly enjoys severing human heads. Yes, I said 'enjoy' and no, it's not ISIS. It's Canada's- foreign policy friends- the friggin' Saudi kingdom. And when I say 'Canada's' policy, I mean that of Stephen Harper, seen here, idea-planning with key cabinet members. You should know the Saudis hate being talked about as savage beheaders- so tell everyone, including your Canadian MP, before the next election.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
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Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

Thanks for tuning in!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Episode 75 - Lisa Falcon G.

The life of the researcher is often lonely. But when you feel you start to get somewhere, a connectivity often confirms belief as fact. For many years, Lisa Falcon G. has been seeking answers to the discord of mankind. Her insights and gathered revelations from the cosmos of information, have lead to her to write her first book, 'Universal Hidden Insight'.

Lisa's website reveals the focus of her intent- to help everyone learn of the human connectedness. The lack of which at this time is a devolving, and that she maintains, is the reason our world is in such strife.

We cover a lot of ground that focuses on personal responsibility applied to various wide ranging aspects of her research such as philosophy science and spirituality and how they can all benefit each other.

Thanks for tuning in!
Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and Facebook  
Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Episode 74: Lenny Bloom returns HNY 2015

Full Disclosure: Lenny is a real friend and I feel compelled to begin the New Year return with him and his insights for 2015. Deeply knowledgable, Lenny's descriptive abilities make much of the dark world clear to many, without losing people along the way. 

For decades, Lenny Bloom has helped expose what goes on behind the curtains of the global theatre. A long run on MOJO Radio in Toronto enabled Lenny to blow the lid off of some incredible whistleblower revelations on his show, Cloak and Dagger with Lenny Bloom. His on-air partner and judicial researcher, the late Sherman Skolnick, regularly offered a mega-dose of information that often caused one's jaw to hit the floor. 

In this conversation, we cover ground regarding the recent 'ISIS-inspired Ottawa attack, which has immediately yielded fresh new security laws for Canada. We consider the series of improbabilities that were ignored by officials in their supposed 'terror response'.

Much materials referenced here - have provided some links below - all well worth your time.

The Skolnick Report 
The Secret Terrorist by Bill Hughes
The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan
Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan 
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and Facebook  
Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

Thanks for tuning in!