Friday, 28 November 2014

Episode 72: Structural Integration with Robert Shackleton

This week's guest is Robert Shackleton, a human structural and functional engineer. Robert discovered the dramatic functional enhancements one can enjoy by making the shoe accommodate the long arch of the foot, precluding the distortion and impairment caused by off the shelf shoes. His structural integration process makes use of a disc leveraging technique which relieves low back spinal cord pressure, clearing sciatica, back, hip, knee and heel pain almost immediately.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and Facebook  
Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Episode 71: Paul Hellyer's Money Mafia & Patrick Whyte

Paul Hellyer is a man for his time, and apparently his time lasts quite a while. The 93 year old former Canadian Minister of Defence, Hellyer outlines an action plan for aware residents of anywhere under the rule of liars. Oh yeah, that's almost everywhere. So it's time to help Paul get the word out. Featured recently as a speaker in Toronto, Hellyer lays out some very strong evidence that we are being manipulated and offers his ideas for ending the injustices.

Hellyer's awareness and concision makes understanding our plight and how to change it seem within our grasp. We should listen to him and read his latest book- "The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis", taking his pointed claims seriously. It is essential to make it clear to so-called elected representatives that it is the will of the citizens, not the corporate paymasters, that is balanced in our favour. We know it all comes down to the bankers, and now is the time to reverse our fortunes.

Additionally, Patrick Whyte of drops by with news of another George Noory event live in Toronto. As a purveyor of dark knowledge for eight years in a Toronto storefront, Patrick works hard to make hard found information available to all.

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and Facebook  
Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

Thanks for tuning in!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Episode 70: Jimmy Dore "Your Country Is Just Not That Into You"

A milestone of sorts, for Number 70. After a difficult summer of recovery, your host wanted to speak with a brother comedian, for his thoughts on conspiracy and its effect on the world. Admittedly the lighter tone of this show varies from a typical Conspiracy Queries episode. Be warned at times of colourful language. Jimmy Dore is a professional comic with comic's irreverence, and he too has conceded he believes there are hidden hands directing the News.
@jimmy_dore comes from a Chicago suburb in the American mid-west. One of only a few in his Catholic clan that were not cops, he developed incisive observational skills that poised him perfectly to look down his nose at 'authority'. Add some idealism and sarcasm and you have a man who has parlayed his stand-up skills into tv specials, his own weekly assessment of the week's news, and a guest anchor position on Cenk Uygur's, The Young Turks (TTY).
Jimmy's weekly show is a hilarious romp dissecting the idiocy of those who claim to 'represent us' in the hallowed institutions of government, very funny and worth your time. Listen to the passion of a man who wants to believe government can work and is hilarious in his criticism of it why it always doesn't. Just talking about it however hasn't been enough so now you can also read all about it in Jimmy's new book, "Your Country Is Just Not That Into You".

Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at
Follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and Facebook  
Alan is on twitter at @alancomic

Conspiracy Queries is on iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, and 
SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167

Thanks for tuning in!