Friday, 28 October 2016

Episode 90: Barrie Zwicker and DDOS attacks

Before we have another head to head with Barrie Zwicker - researcher, author, TV host and activist - Wanttoknow helps us recognize psychopaths; Zwicker notes 5 Eyes nations DDOS attacks -  are they corporate or government agency tests?;    

Snowden says, 'always encrypt' your internet presence; towards the militarization of 'our' police; Barrie admits his Elder status, reflects on patterns throughout history;   

upcoming Guy Fawkes presentation at Beit Zatoun in Toronto; 

False flag is defined as a tool BY those seeking to implement stricter control; the dissolving of academic freedom when it questions governmental agenda; nonphysical Digital assault; thoughts on the US election - 

Will we get Trump in the White House or trump TV?; free speech venue Shutdown; first TV journalist 911 official story critique.

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Saturday, 22 October 2016

Episode 89: Late October Madness

When it’s nearly time for a new US president, the ‘October Surprise’ that can alter the perception of the voter's decision, used to be a big deal. Now they happen every day… Seems a bit quiet now, before the voting day storm... Having a new leader has not helped us in Canada the way we were told in the campaign, why are those lies ever believed? John Lennon’s reminder… We are in a ‘system’, a rigged game - is one possible explanation… CDC blocks vaccine expert witness testimony, his science counters their political position… Too... many... royuhlllz… Does Putin think the US election means war? His opinion included in this episode (in English)…

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Friday, 14 October 2016

Episode 88: Mid October Madness

With the US election and all of its caused fears, things are getting nuts. Actually, closer to fully blown, monkey shit.

In this episode, I try to sort out the nature and source of the lies which damage our lives.

Russia tells its employees around the globe to head home - now. So I'm sure that's all fine there.

Let's sue the Saudis! We can't, there's a law. That's ok, no one will sue anyhow. General Dynamics of Canada is an asshole; cannabis arrests increase the closer Canada gets to whatever they will call, 'legalization'.

Good politicians, bad politicians. The European Scientific institute confirms on its 15th anniversary that 911 was indeed a controlled demolition.

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