Susanne Posel returns to Conspiracy Queries in her role as an endangered species - the now rare, investigative journalist. Yes, not every news purveyor out there is spewing corporate issued pablum, and that is certainly not the case for Susanne.
As well as having her own syndicated radio show HARDLINE on iHeart Radio, Susanne is the chief editor of the information stuffed, - a trove of well written, to-the-point articles, detailing the criminality of the world's biggest newsmakers.
Her story gathering skills bring to our attention important narratives highlighting the pattern of globalization in commerce and money markets, and how that affects Americans and the entire world. You can follow Susanne on Twitter, @OccuCorporatism
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Exposed AGAIN: Suzanne Posel a.k.a. Sanne Cohen (Occupy Corporatism)