Sunday, 26 April 2015

Episode 82: Sydney White returns to discuss Fukushima

Sydney White, Investigative Journalist, lecturer, and public speaker, returns to discuss Fukushima.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was a very eye opening episode. Just found this on my podcast app and have been catching up. Like what you got going on here, just wish it wasn't all such bad news.

  3. I am always interested in hearing gossip about celebrities who is in the illuminati. I obsessively follow after Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and their entire family saga.

  4. Where can I find the missile manual sound bites?

  5. What are the inward man and lady? Our being comprises of two energies: the male and female angle. Regardless of in the event that we are a man or a lady, we have both a male and female side. Life creates through inverse shafts and inclinations for instance yes and no, satisfaction and distress, light and murkiness, positive and negative, day and night and life and passing. G-man, e.g
